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Crystalline Leafy

As the name suggests, Crystalline Leafy is a larger version of the Ice Plant loved by customers who prefer their greens super leafy. It is the juiciest variety of the plant as it holds the largest number of saline water cells. Stalks and stems are removed to leave only the most succulent parts of the plant. Use it as a tasty wrap!



The Crystalline Ice Plant – mesembryanthemum crystallinum, to give it its scientific name – is a succulent native to Southern Africa, Sinai and Southern Europe. Covered with large, glistening cells that reserve moisture, it can flourish in sandy coastal regions and harsh terrains. These water-filled sacs glisten in the sunshine, making them sparkle like ice. Hence the name!

Research has shown the Ice Plant contains high levels of flavonoids and isoflavonoids, which have a positive effect on human metabolism. This wonder plant helps to improve cardiovascular health, has anti-inflammatory properties and can lower high blood pressure. Shine bright like a diamond.

A beautiful Vegetable In Any Dish What makes this vegetable such a popular ingredient in so many dishes are the glistening bladder cells which form into tiny dew droplets filled with saltwater. They look like diamonds! The cells gleam and sparkle, which is partly why you will see the Ice plant on the menus of upscale restaurants. It’s pretty. And it tastes great too  
Growing The Ice Plant In Singapore The Ice Plant thrives in a specific cold and dry environment, one that replicate in our vertical hydroponic farms. It’s too humid for the plant to grow outdoors in more conventional land-based farms – it requires a climate control system to feed it just the right amount of light at just the right temperature to replicate the conditions of its native state. Our state-of-the-art farming facility may be even better than the Ice Plant’s natural environment. Advanced farming technology means we don’t need to use any form of pesticide, making each freshly picked leaf completely safe for your table.
Things To Consider The Ice Plant is moisture-rich and as such you should not leave it exposed to humidity or direct sunlight as this will cause the leaves to wilt, affecting the quality and taste. Keep it chilled, but not frozen! If you do store it at room temperature, you should eat it within 2 to 4 hours. If it goes in the refrigerator, it can last 4 to 5 days.

Health Benefits As it is mainly comprised of water, the Ice Plant is exceptionally low in calories but high in vitamins A, B and C, as well as mineral salts and isoflavones – a class of phytochemicals that help protect the body against breast cancer, menopausal symptoms, heart disease and osteoporosis. Especially suitable for kids (it’s one of those vegetables that are popular with children) and anybody who wants to have a healthy boost to their diet.

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